New Partnership with Fleet’s BE WISE Program

Photo of three mentors smiling - text reads "New Partnership Alert!! EcoLogik Institute and the Fleet's Be Wise Program Join Forces"

The EcoLogik Institute and Fleet Science Center’s BE WiSE (​​Better Education For Women In Science And Engineering) Program are collaborating to provide underrepresented young female scientists exciting Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) learning, mentorship, and career experiences in partnership with the region's research, industry, and academic institutions.

BE WiSE offers a clear pathway for any girl with an interest in STEM by linking them with experts and cultivating a supportive community. Our mission is to guarantee that everyone has access to these opportunities to pursue their passions and unlock the transformative potential of science. Through our collaboration with EcoLogik Institute, we are advancing our shared vision of creating a more inclusive and equitable environment within STEM.

- Sandy Valdivia

Youth Engagement Manager, Fleet Science Center

Statistics show that 50% of college educated people in America are women, yet only 30% of STEM professionals are female. More dismally, less than 1:10 employed scientists and engineers are women of color. Why is this happening? It’s a complicated issue with many systemic roots, but research suggests that one of the main drivers for female underrepresentation in STEM fields is the lack of female role-models and mentorship. If young women can’t envision themselves in these roles, they will not pursue them.

If we’re going to solve global problems like climate change, we need diverse voices at the scientific table. Yet, despite it being 2024, there are still voices missing from the conversation. We at The EcoLogik Institute recognize that changing the status quo is an enormous undertaking that takes a village of like-minded folks with the same goals and values; we’re proud to partner with The Fleet Science Center and their BE WiSE program to make STEM a more just and equitable space for all. 

- Samantha Wynns

Executive Director, EcoLogik Institute

Both the EcoLogik Institute and Be WiSE recognize the need for, and lack of, diversity in STEM and are tackling this issue by providing learning opportunities and role models for girls in the San Diego region and beyond. In the coming year, the two programs will be collaborating on bringing unique programming and mentorship opportunities to EcoLogik participants and their families.


Started in 2017 at Cabrillo National Monument in San Diego, California, the EcoLogik Institute (formerly the EcoLogik Project) is a free and unique program that fuses ecology and technology and connects young, underrepresented female explorers and scientists (ages 10-16) to the natural resources and science of America’s National Parks. EcoLogik participants learn and incorporate technological advances and knowledge of the environment to collect natural resource data (community science), create 3D printed biomodels, learn basic coding and programming, and much more! With this fully immersive program we provide young girls and their community a meaningful connection to their National Parks while simultaneously nurturing their love of STEAM and, perhaps more powerfully, their belief in themselves. We show them that they too can become scientists, engineers, and stewards of their outdoor spaces - if they see it, they know they can be it. EcoLogik is not just any youth program - we are changing the culture around STEAM. To learn more, please visit


Since 1973, the Fleet Science Center has been a central link between science, schools and scientific organizations, collaborating with the communities that call San Diego County home. Its mission is simple yet bold: to realize a San Diego where everyone is connected to the power of science. The organization delivers on this mission through engaging experiences and culturally driven education programs in neighborhoods throughout the county and the historic Balboa Park flagship location. The Fleet creates places of inspiration by collaborating with communities to support and grow STEM talent in San Diego. From interactive exhibits and school field trips to free science programs, the Fleet is forward-thinking and consistently evolving to create positive change in the world. The Heikoff Giant Dome Theater is the world’s first IMAX Dome Theater, presenting the most significant films on the planet. To learn more, visit

EcoLogik Institute

The EcoLogik Institute provides the tools and context to empower the 21st century of ecological and outdoor stewards. Execution of this goal is made possible through inquiry-based learning that emphasizes leadership and science identity. Our diversity of programs cater to a unique audience while providing a continuum of learning and mentorship for EcoLogik members.

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