STEAM Quests: Uniting the Ecologik Community Through Creativity and Innovation

This Blog Post was Written by EcoLogik Apprentice: Kiana L.


  • The STEAM Quests, created and designed by Kiana, was a project designed to keep the Ecologik Community engaged and connected.

  • The first quest focused on recycled art, encouraging participants to explore STEAM concepts through the creative use of recycled materials. 

  • The STEAM Picnic provided an opportunity for the EcoLogik Community to get together, and design/showcase their recycled art projects!

The STEAM Quests, a program I designed to keep the Ecologik Community connected, have become a cornerstone of our shared creative journey. As a part of my Apprenticeship Capstone project, I was tasked with the challenge of creating a unique, engaging opportunity that could foster a connected community. These quests are challenges that invite everyone in the community to engage with STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) in new and exciting ways. Our first quest culminated with our STEAM Picnic, where members showcased their creations and collaborated on new ideas.

The Birth of STEAM Quests  

The idea for STEAM Quests came to me to keep the Ecologik Community actively engaged, even when we couldn’t be together in person. I wanted to create something that everyone could participate in, no matter their age or background – STEAM Quests became that something. Each Quest consists of a unique challenge posed to the EcoLogik community and the community responds with their solutions or presentations.  Our first quest focused on recycled art, encouraging participants to find innovative ways to re-use discarded materials. This challenge was designed to help Ecologik members explore different ways to present STEAM concepts through the lens of creativity and sustainability.

 The STEAM Picnic: Creativity in Action  

The STEAM Picnic was the perfect setting for the first showcase of our community's efforts. At this event, Ecologik members had the opportunity to design their projects in real-time and present their recycled art creations. It was incredible to see how each person interpreted the challenge in their own unique way, using everything from plastic bottles to old newspapers to create something truly inspiring. The picnic not only highlighted the creative talents within our community but also reinforced the importance of working together to find innovative solutions to everyday problems.

The STEAM Quests and the STEAM Picnic were more than just activities—they were a testament to the power of community and creativity. We've strengthened our connections and sparked new ideas by bringing people together to solve challenges and showcase their work. I look forward to seeing how the Ecologik Community continues to grow and innovate through future quests and events.

About the Author:  

Kiana L. joined the CESAP program in the Spring of 2024. She actively participates in the Science Communication, Leadership, and Research Cohorts. Kiana designed the STEAM Quests program as a project for her Leadership cohort. She is a passionate advocate for STEAM Education, especially for those with disabilities, as she is disabled. With a commitment to fostering creativity and new growth, Kiana is dedicated to finding new ways to make learning interactive and accessible for everyone. When not organizing events like the STEAM Picnic, Kiana enjoys teaching American Sign Language, coding, spending time with her dog, and being a representative in the fields of STEAM.

EcoLogik Institute

The EcoLogik Institute provides the tools and context to empower the 21st century of ecological and outdoor stewards. Execution of this goal is made possible through inquiry-based learning that emphasizes leadership and science identity. Our diversity of programs cater to a unique audience while providing a continuum of learning and mentorship for EcoLogik members.

A Look Back on The EcoLogik Summer Experience