Welcome to the Team - Kaelynn Opalec

Welcome to the team - Kaelynn Opalec

The EcoLogik Institute is excited to welcome a new team memeber!

Kaelynn comes to the EcoLogik Institute fresh from an internship at Cabrillo National Monument through the Scientists in Parks program, where she planned, organized, and ran citizen science efforts at the park. But this wasn’t the first of Kaelynn’s Cabrillo connections, as she has been volunteering for the park’s Tidepool Protection and Education Program for a number of years! With a background in biology and a passion for engaging underserved youth, Kaelynn is the perfect fit as a CESAP apprentice advisor, summer camp instructor, and intern supervisor.

She states, “By being a part of EcoLogik, I am not just eager, but deeply committed to making a difference in the science community, whether it is a small or significant impact. I want to support young women interested in the science community and celebrate who they are. With Ecologik, I cannot wait to keep using my voice to effectively communicate with the world about the science field. I am ready and eager to embrace new challenges that will pave the way to a successful career in the science community, demonstrating my resilience and adaptability.”

Welcome, Kaelynn! We’re so glad you’re here.

EcoLogik Institute

The EcoLogik Institute provides the tools and context to empower the 21st century of ecological and outdoor stewards. Execution of this goal is made possible through inquiry-based learning that emphasizes leadership and science identity. Our diversity of programs cater to a unique audience while providing a continuum of learning and mentorship for EcoLogik members.


Help Wanted: Youth Peer-Reviewers


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