Community Agreements
The EcoLogik Institute is committed
to cultivating and holding a safe space
for our diverse community.
The purpose of these community agreements is to set expectations for how we want to show up together in the same spaces – whether on social media, at in-person or virtual events, in meetings, or one on one. By practicing the below communication ethics, we can co-create a safe, respectful and welcoming environment that allows everyone to participate.
Be Kind, Courteous, & Welcoming | We value justice, equity, and diversity within our organization and lives. We do not assume the race, class, gender, sexuality, or ability of anyone else. We will use inclusive and non-appropriative language including but not limited to gender-inclusive language (y’all, folks, people, community… we don't use tribe) and we collectively respect pronouns and use the names that people choose to be identified by. We will be kind to each other and to ourselves.
Zero Tolerance For Hate Speech Or Bullying | We strive to create a space where everyone feels safe. Bullying of any kind isn't allowed, and degrading comments about things like race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, size, gender or identity will not be tolerated. Anti-blackness, homophobia, transphobia, classism, fatphobia, etc. will result in immediate removal.
Curiosity is Encouraged | We will bravely lean into tensions that can lead to growth, learning, and clarity by seeking out perspectives that differ from our own, asking questions to better understand others’ needs and where they’re coming, embracing nuance and healthy debate, and maintaining the open-mindedness needed to challenge our own beliefs.
Address Debates & Disagreements With Respect | We will lead with love and compassion, focusing on what we have in common over what sets us apart without tokenizing, stereotyping, assuming, or contributing to simplistic, polarizing narratives that pit us against each other. We will treat others how THEY want to be treated and respect others by being mindful of how we use and take up time and not interrupting or disrupting people. We will provide evidence to support our claims.
Together We Know A lot | We will acknowledge that we don’t have all the answers, seek perspectives from others with expertise and lived experiences whenever possible, acknowledge our potential blindspots, and give credit where credit is due.
We Hold Ourselves and Each Other Accountable | We will create a space of accountability and allyship by disrupting harm as soon as it happens and treating mistakes as opportunities to deepen our understanding and self-awareness. We will respectfully advocate for ourselves and each other.
Through upholding these commitments, we strive to create a community defined by inclusivity and integrity. Violation of these agreements by any program participant/guardian or on our platforms can lead to exclusion from future EcoLogik Institute discussions, events, and initiatives.
If you have questions, or if you believe you have witnessed or experienced a violation of this Community Agreement on any of our in-person or virtual platforms, please send an email to with “COMMUNITY AGREEMENT” in the subject line. Our team will respond within 2 business days.